field trip

Collaborative field trip in mining districts

In March 2018, three researchers from GET lab in Toulouse, Stéphanie Brichau, Stéphanie Duchene, Guillaume Estrade, one PhD student from GET, Steven Kia Kahou, and a researcher from Geosciences Rennes, Marc Pujol, met their colleagues Rodrigo Riquelme and Eduardo Campo from UCN, Antofagasta, for a field trip in different mining districts in northern Chile in […]


Collaborative field trip for cosmo sampling

During December 2017, Vincent Regard (Univ. Paul Sabatier, GET, Toulouse), Sébastien Carretier (IRD-GET) and the phD student Valeria Zavala (GET, Univ. Toulouse, Conicyt) went a week on the field in northern Chile to sample for cosmogenic nuclides with Rodrigo Riquelme (UCN), and two UCN students.

